[2-280780] Straightening and Clamping Tool System 28

CZK26,852.00 bez DPH
(32490,92 Kč s DPH)

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Perfect welds thanks to the possibility of prestressing before welding.

Product description
The straightening tool is used for straightening deformed steel products. Parts that show unwanted unevenness or stress in the material leveled with a force of 2.5 tons.
With the bending head available as an accessory, you can flexibly bend pipes up to a diameter of 42 mm.
The total stroke is 60 mm, which can be achieved with 13 pump strokes with a control force of approx. 330 N (4.6 mm per stroke). The overflow valve prevents a further increase in pressure when the piston rod is fully extended.
For a secure attachment to the table, the tool can be fastened via the adapter using clamping pins or mounted on the adapter pin.
The straightening tool must always be held in two places.

Siegmund products are designed for the Czech and Slovak market.


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