[2-3636.LC] Siegmund Laser welding cell 3600×3600×2250 mm

CZK166,942.00 bez DPH
(201999,82 Kč s DPH)
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Length (a): 3600 mm

Width (b): 3600 mm

Height (c): 2250 mm

Weight: 458 kg

Product description

Manual laser welding has quickly become an important part of welding technology. In order to meet the increased safety requirements of manual laser welding, Siegmund has developed a suitable cell for its welding tables.

The laser welding cell provides the mandatory protection from scattered radiation and reflections for surrounding people and objects. The laser welding cell also reduces interferences caused by external factors like airflows or dirt particles.

‐ recommended for welding tables up to 2400x1200 mm

‐ Doors and side walls made of aluminum composite panels

‐ position of doors configured to suit

‐ with welding screen


Specific References

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