[2-220134.N] Clamping angle - stop 600 GK, left - nitrided

6 857,00 CZK bez DPH
(8296,97 Kč s DPH)

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Tento produkt bol naposledy pridaný do košíka: 2020-02-12

Length (a): 373 mm Width (b): 95 mm Height (c): 360 mm Material thickness (d): 20 mm Weight: 21,8 kg product description Clamping angle - the 600 GK stop allows a large number of clamping options due to its three-dimensionality. It is used for large parts assemblies, or as a stop and also as a table extension. It is made of GGG40 material to achieve high stability. It is recommended to order in pairs. Another row of holes on the side of the angle for greater stability. - left stop - nitrided - standard with millimeter scale * SIEGMUND PRODUCTS ARE NOT INTENDED FOR THE POLISH MARKET


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