[2-280132.N] Clamping angle - stop 500 GK, right - nitrided

7 408,00 CZK bez DPH
(8963,68 Kč s DPH)

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Length (a): 280 mm Width (b): 95 mm Height (c): 500 mm Material thickness (d): 27 mm Weight: 17,5 kg product description Angle - stop 300 GK / 500 GK allows thanks to its three-dimensionality a large number of clamping options. It is used in assemblies of large and heavy parts, or as a stop and also as an extension of the table. It is made of GGG40 material to achieve high stability. It is recommended to order in pairs. - right stop - nitrided - standard with millimeter scale * SIEGMUND PRODUCTS ARE NOT INTENDED FOR THE POLISH MARKET


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